Sites & Buildings
Click on the name of the property below to view the location on the map above. Click the "Full details" link in the popup or the listing red icon link in the Info column for the complete property information.
Site Name
8502 Alcove Ave Wolfforth Tx 79382
8.46 Acres
Property_type: real active
503 east Hwy 62-82 Wolfforth tx 79382
8.02 Acres
Property_type: Vacant
7702 FM179 Wollforth Tx 79382
70.00 Acres
Property_type: Ag Land
FM 179 Wolfforth Tx
61.90 Acres
Property_type: commercial
306 Main Street Wolfforth Tx 79382
6.79 Acres
Property_type: Real Active
902 Dowden Rd Wolfforth Tx 79382
55.00 Acres
Property_type: Real
469 East Hwy 62-82 Wolfforth Tx 79382
3.75 Acres
Property_type: real active
1500 Dowden Road
3.45 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
FM 179 Wolfforth Tx
22.50 Acres
Property_type: Ag Land
East hwy 62-82 Wolfforth Tx 79382
2.64 Acres
Property_type: Vacant
east hwy 62-82 Wolfforth Tx 79382
2.62 Acres
Property_type: Vacant
9002 Dawson Ave Wolfforth tx 79382
2.58 Acres
Property_type: real active
SW corner of 179 and Donald Preston
2.05 Acres
Property_type: Ag Land
FM 179 Wolfforth Tx
14.72 Acres
Property_type: Residential
Hwy 82/62
12.19 Acres
Property_type: Vacant
Presidents Ave, Wolfforth Tx 79382
1.95 Acres
Property_type: Vacant
Dowden Rd
1.94 Acres
Property_type: commercial
Presidents Ave, Wolfforth Tx 79382
1.83 Acres
Property_type: Vacant
8111 Patel Dr Wolfforth Tx 79382
1.83 Acres
Property_type: Vacant
1111Donald Preston Dr
1.77 Acres
Property_type: commercial
1110 Donald Preston Dr
1.76 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
presidents Ave, Wolfforth Tx 79382
1.72 Acres
Property_type: Vacant
7306 South FM 179
1.71 Acres
Property_type: Farm
469 Est Hwy 62-82 Wolfforth tx 79382
1.64 Acres
Property_type: real active
510 Donald Preston drive
1.63 Acres
Property_type: commercial
7921 Presidents AVE , Wolfforth Tx 79382
1.62 Acres
Property_type: real active
Presidents Ave, Wolfforth Tx 79382
1.54 Acres
Property_type: Vacant
Donald Preston drive
1.51 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
Highway 62-82 and Patel Drive
1.50 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
East hwy 62-82 Wolfforth Tx 79382
1.45 Acres
Property_type: Vacant
602 Donald Preston Drive
1.45 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
804 Donald Preston Dr
1.36 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
467 East Hwy 62-82 Wolfforth tx 79382
1.26 Acres
Property_type: real commercial
906 Donald Preston Dr
1.21 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
8203 (0th st
1.04 Acres
Property_type: real active
Main St
1.00 Acres
Property_type: commercial
Donald Preston drive
0.99 Acres
Property_type: commercial
702 Donald Preston dr
0.96 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
716 Donald Preston Dr
0.96 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
7903 FM179 Wolfforth Tx 79382
0.96 Acres
Property_type: commercial
7907 82nd St
0.93 Acres
Property_type: real active
641 East Hwy 62-82 Wolfforth Tx 79382
0.91 Acres
Property_type: real active
City of Wolfforth
0.90 Acres
Property_type: Real
726 Donald Preston dr
0.90 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
east hwy 62-82 Wolfforth Tx 79382
0.89 Acres
Property_type: real active
7901 82nd st
0.86 Acres
Property_type: real active
449 East Hwy 62-82 Wolfforth tx 79382
0.85 Acres
Property_type: real commercial
8720 CR 7100 Wolfforth TX 79382
0.71 Acres
Property_type: Real
FM 179 Wolfforth Tx 79382
0.63 Acres
Property_type: commercial
Dowden Rd
0.56 Acres
Property_type: commercial
FM 179 Wolfforth Tx 79382
0.53 Acres
Property_type: commercial
Dowden Rd
0.53 Acres
Property_type: commercial
CR 7100 Wolfforth Tx 79382
0.52 Acres
Property_type: commercial
502 main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
0.50 Acres
Property_type: real active
Donald Preston drive
0.48 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
Donald Preston drive
0.48 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
Donald Preston drive
0.48 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
Donald Preston drive
0.48 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
Donald Preston drive
0.48 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
Donald Preston drive
0.48 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
Donald Preston drive
0.48 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
Donald Preston drive
0.48 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
Donald Preston drive
0.48 Acres
Property_type: Commercial
7907 FM 179 Wolfforth tx 79407
0.48 Acres
Property_type: active
Alcove ave
0.45 Acres
Property_type: Vacant
416 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
0.32 Acres
Property_type: real Active
603 Main St WolfforthnTx 79382
0.25 Acres
Property_type: real active
424 Main St Wolffforth Tx 79382
0.20 Acres
Property_type: real active
410 Main St Wolfforth tx 79382
0.17 Acres
Property_type: Real Active
8107 Patel dr Wolfforth Tx 79382
0.13 Acres
Property_type: Vacant
501 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
0.00 Acres
Property_type: real active
500 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
0.00 Acres
Property_type: real active
Building Name
8111 Patel Drive Wolfforth, Texas
40,000 SF
Property_type: Commercial
518 Hwy 62, Wolfforth Texas 79382
4,186 SF
Property_type: Commercial
Property_type: Commercial
Main St
Property_type: commercial
Main St
Property_type: commercial
Main St
Property_type: commercial
Main St
Property_type: commercial
FM 1Tx 79 Wolfforth
Property_type: commercial
FM 179 Wollfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: Commercial
FM 179 Wolfforth Tx
Property_type: single family
FM 179 Wolfforth Tx
Property_type: Residential
Elm and Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: residental
Donald Preston drive
Property_type: Commercial
Donald Preston drive
Property_type: Commercial
Donald Preston drive
Property_type: Commercial
Cambridge drive
Property_type: Commercial
7905 FM179 Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: commercial
7809 FM 179 Wolfforth Tx 79407
Property_type: commercial
7807 FM 179 Wolfforth TX 79407
Property_type: commercial
7801 FM 179 Wolfforth TX 79382
Property_type: commercial
611 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: residental
609 Main St Wolfforth tx 79382
Property_type: residental
607 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: residental
520 Donald Preston Drive
Property_type: Commercial
502 Dowden Rd
Property_type: commercial
431 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: residental
429 Main St Wolfforth TX 79382
Property_type: residental
427 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: residental
425 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: residental
423 Main St Wolfflorh Tx 79382
Property_type: residental
422 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: real Commercial
421 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: residental
419 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: residental
417 Main St Wolfforth tx 79382
Property_type: residental
415 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: residental
411 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: residental
409 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: residental
406 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: commercial
316 Main St Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: Residental
314 Main st Wolfforth Tx 79382
Property_type: Residental
1010 Donald Preston Drive
Property_type: Commercial
1010 Donald Preston Dr
Property_type: Commercial
101 Donald Preston dr
Property_type: commercial
The information contained in this database is provided for general informational purposes only. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the data, we do not guarantee its completeness, reliability, or suitability for any specific purpose. Real estate markets are subject to constant change, and the information provided may become outdated or inaccurate over time.